Which Antimalaria Tablets are the Best to Prevent Malaria?


Malaria is an illness that is normally spread by infected mosquitoes which are mostly found in tropical or subtropical parts of the world. The mosquitoes typically get the infection from parasites. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and can be life-threatening if not attended to promptly. Continue reading to find out how to treat malaria with antimalarials in Barton-le-Clay.

What are the symptoms of malaria?

Spotting malaria can be difficult, but below are the symptoms to look out for:

– Fever, sweats, and chills
– Headaches and confusion
– Tiredness and sleepiness (especially in children)
– Feeling unwell and being sick
Diarrhoea and stomach pain

– Muscle pains
– Loss of appetite
– Whitening of the eyes or yellow skin
Sore throat, cough, and breathing difficulty

Malaria symptoms usually start to show within 7 to 18 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.

However, there are a few cases where you may not show any symptoms for months after contracting the infection.


What are antimalarials in Barton-le-Clay used for?

They are tablets that offer protection against malaria by ensuring your body can resist the malaria-causing parasites.

Nevertheless, for the best protection, you should take antimalarial tablets properly. You should also take other steps such as keeping away from mosquito bites. They become less effective if not taken as prescribed by the pharmacist.

You’ll need a prescription to get malaria tablets. You can, however, avoid the hassle of paying your doctor a visit by getting them through C&H Barton Pharmacy.

How to prevent malaria with antimalarials in Barton-le-Clay

Medication like antimalarial tablets provides treatment and protection against malaria. Ensure you take the tablets before embarking on your travels, especially if the destination is a high-risk malaria region.

The best time to take antimalarials is at least 4 to 6 weeks prior to your departure, but you can still confirm the timeline with your pharmacist if it’s a last-minute affair. You may be given antimalarial tablets to minimise the chances of contracting malaria and get recommendations on how to prevent mosquito bites.

Antimalarial tablets can greatly decrease the chances of getting malaria by almost 90%.

You may need to give out the information below in order for one of our pharmacists to decide which type of antimalarial tablets you should have:

– Your travel destination
– Any relevant family medical history that may be important
– Your medical history, including any allergies to medication
– Any medication you’re currently using
– Any past issues you’ve experienced with antimalarial medications
– Your pregnancy status
– Your age

You may need to undergo a trial course of antimalarial tablets before you travel. It’s usually a short course to check if you show any serious reactions or side effects. If you show serious side effects, you should seek advice from our team.


How to take antimalarials tablets in Barton-le-Clay:

You should start the dose of your antimalarial tablets before arrival at your destination, as directed by your travel health professional.

Some tablets should be taken a few days prior to departure, while others may have to be taken a week or more before the date of travel. Essentially, the purpose is to put enough antimalarial medication in your body to begin protection as soon as you enter your destination.

Taking the tablets exactly as directed to maximise their effectiveness is necessary.

You must complete the course of tablets even after you have left your destination. Failure to do so even if you’ve already left the high-risk malaria area can result in you developing malaria infection if the parasites have entered your body already.

Find out more about our travel clinic and what to do before you travel abroad here:

Our Travel Clinic

Which antimalarials tablets in Barton-le-Clay are the best?

The most used and the best antimalarial drugs are:

Chloroquine phosphate. Chloroquine is the recommended treatment option for any parasite.
Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs). ACT is a combination of two or more drugs that fight malaria parasites by various means.
Quinine sulfate (Qualaquin) with doxycycline (Oracea, Vibramycin)
Atovaquone-proguanil (Malarone)
Primaquine phosphate

You need a prescription to get antimalarial tablets in the UK, except for:

Chloroquine and/or proguanil – can be purchased over the counter from local pharmacies like C&H-Barton Pharmacy.
Atovaquone/proguanil – you can purchase this from local pharmacies (certain restrictions included).

Consult with a travel health professional at C&H Barton Pharmacy to find out which antimalarials best suit you or your family.

Antimalarials in Barton-le-Clay

How to treat malaria

Full recovery can be achieved if malaria is promptly diagnosed and treated with the right medication. It’s necessary to begin medication immediately after you are diagnosed with malaria.

Don’t let malaria spoil the fun of travelling around the world and experiencing new adventures. Book your appointment today to get your antimalarials in Barton-le-Clay.

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This blog post was written on behalf of C & H Barton Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.