How to Get the Hepatitis B Vaccine for Holidays & Occupational Travel

A man travelling after getting hepatitis b vaccine in barton-le-Clay

It is recommended that you get vaccinated against hepatitis B if you are going to travel to a region with a high prevalence of the disease. This is especially vital if you will be doing activities that increase your chances of contracting the disease. Get a hepatitis B vaccine in Barton-le-Clay for protection as you tour your favourite destinations.

Blood and body fluids are the main ways of spreading hepatitis B. You can be more at risk if you have sex, inject drugs, or play contact sports on your travels. Individuals who travel for long periods of time, or who are likely to require medical treatment while abroad, are also at high risk.

Hepatitis B is common around the world, however, it’s more common in the following areas:

• Southern and Eastern Europe
• The Middle East
• Asia
• Africa

A course of 3 injections is usually necessary to protect against hepatitis B. They may be spread over a period as long as six months or as short as three weeks, depending on how fast you need to protect yourself.

You can also get both hepatitis A and B vaccinations if you are at risk of both of these conditions while outside the country.

Do I need the hepatitis B vaccine in Barton-le-Clay?

Nurses and other healthcare professionals with direct patient contact – such as those working in hospitals, nursing homes, and general practices – should be vaccinated against the flu every year to protect themselves and their patients. They may also need other vaccines to protect themselves and those they work with. These vaccines and health services may include hepatitis B, MMR, varicella (against chickenpox), and BCG (against tuberculosis).

A man on top of a hill

Other Occupational Health Vaccinations

Those who work in laboratories, handle animals at high risk for TB, and work in prisons, homes for the elderly; refugee and asylum centres may be recommended to receive BCG vaccinations. Laboratory workers, embalmers, morticians, and prison employees who regularly interact with prisoners may be advised to get the hepatitis B vaccine.

Hepatitis A vaccination is suitable for people who deal with sewage and frequently come into contact with raw sewage. Welders should also receive pneumococcal vaccination.

Occupational groups such as police and firefighters may also benefit from immunisations.

Where do I get my travel vaccines and hepatitis B vaccine in Barton-le-Clay?

Ensure that your existing vaccinations in the UK are current by contacting your pharmacist or GP. Let the pharmacist know what vaccinations you have previously received if you have any records.

Not all GP practices provide free vaccinations for travel, so you should ask them if they are part of the NHS vaccination programme.

It is important to note: even if a vaccine is suitable when going for a trip to a particular region, it is not always free on the NHS.

If your GP doesn’t offer the vaccinations you need for travel, you can get them from a pharmacy such as ours that offers travel healthcare services.

In addition to general travel health advice, pharmacists can provide vaccinations and hepatitis B protection advice.

When needed, they can even provide you with any missed doses of your UK vaccines.

Camels walking on a desert

Other things to consider

When planning travel vaccinations, you should also consider the following:

• Your health and age – Some vaccines may not suitable for those with certain medical issues; some persons are more vulnerable to infection than others.
• Being an aid worker – In a refugee camp or whilst assisting following a natural disaster, you may encounter more diseases.
• Workers in a medical setting – Doctors, nurses, or other healthcare workers may need additional vaccinations.
• Coming in contact with animals – If you are around animals, you are at risk of contracting diseases like rabies.
• You won’t need vaccinations if you’re only travelling to Australia, North America, or Central and Northern Europe.

However, it’s vital to confirm that your routine vaccinations on the NHS are up-to-date.

Side effects of the hepatitis B vaccine in Barton-le-Clay

The hepatitis B vaccine is effective and very safe.

The injections rarely cause any side effects, except for redness and soreness at the site of the injection. It can’t cause the actual infection because it’s an inactivated (dead) vaccine.

Young men playing after getting hepatitis b vaccine in barton-le-Clay

Effectiveness of the hepatitis B vaccine

Hepatitis B vaccination is highly effective. Around nine out of ten adults who are vaccinated develop protection against the disease.

Sometimes the hepatitis B vaccine doesn’t work well in people who:

• Are above the age of 40
• Are clinically obese
• Smoke
• Have alcoholism, especially those with advanced liver disease

If you are on kidney dialysis or your immune system is weak, the hepatitis B vaccine may not be as effective as usual. You may need additional doses regularly.

Get in touch with us today to book your appointment for the Hepatitis B vaccine.

Book Vaccinations Online Consultation


This blog post was written on behalf of C & H Barton Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.