What Hajj and Umrah Vaccinations Do You Need?

hajj and umrah vaccines in Bedfordshire

Due to a large number of people present, mass gatherings such as Hajj and Umrah are linked with significant health risks. The Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announces the entrance visa requirements and advice for pilgrims and seasonal workers wishing to enter the Kingdom for the upcoming Hajj and Umrah seasons in early summer each year. The requirements and recommendations may vary from year to year. Continue reading to find out more about Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Bedfordshire.

The annual pilgrimage to Mecca in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which occurs between the eighth and twelfth days of the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar, is among the largest mass gatherings in the world. In 2022, Hajj will occur between July 7 and July 12.

Approximately three million Muslims from all around the world gather in Mecca annually for Hajj. All able-bodied adult Muslims are expected to perform Hajj at least once in their lives if they can afford it. The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced on April 9, 2022, that the number of pilgrims permitted to undertake Hajj 20221443H would be limited to one million local and international pilgrims, with every country receiving a quota of pilgrims permitted to enter Saudi Arabia.

Umrah is a shorter, non-required Muslim pilgrimage performed as part of the Hajj ritual, however it can be performed at any time. Citizens of the United Kingdom who wish to attend Umrah should pay close attention to updates on the FCDO‘s official social media platforms and also advice from local authorities.

hajj and umrah vaccines in Bedfordshire

Planning for a pilgrimage (Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Bedfordshire)

Before making any journey for Hajj or Umrah, pilgrims should seek medical advice.

In the instance of COVID-19, a huge gathering could expedite the virus’s transmission and possibly hinder the host country’s ability to respond. Therefore, pilgrims must adhere to the measures implemented by the authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This is to reduce the risk of transmission and the resulting impact on health facilities. Below are some of the measures you can take:

– Limitations on size of the crowd and control of crowd movement
– Keeping physical distance
– Cough/respiratory protocol
– Handwashing techniques

Pilgrims should ensure that they have received all routine vaccinations. They should also consult their healthcare provider at least four to six weeks prior to performing Hajj. This is for advice on vaccinations and other precautions, such as heat exhaustion, malaria prevention, water and food, insect bite risks, and injury prevention.

Learn more about malaria prevention and antimalarials in our previous blog post here:

Get Antimalarials

The Hajj rites are difficult to perform due to the great distances that must be travelled in extreme heat. Before embarking on a journey, pilgrims should ensure that they are physically fit. Those with pre-existing medical conditions should check with a medical professional. If they are on prescription medication, they should bring enough for the duration of their journey. They should also carry extra doses in case of delays, along with a copy of their prescription.

Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Bedfordshire – what you need 

The following list of requirements is based on what Saudi Arabia has required of Hajj pilgrims in previous years.

Meningococcal vaccination

Whoever performs the Hajj or Umrah or engages in seasonal work in the area must have confirmation of meningococcal disease vaccination (in the form of a vaccination certificate). The details of the vaccine should be provided on the certificate.

Polio (Hajj and Umrah vaccines in Bedfordshire)

According to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health, travellers from countries with active transmission of cVDPV2 (circulating wild or vaccine-derived poliovirus) and countries at risk of polio reintroduction are required to have a valid polio vaccination certificate.

Hepatitis B

The hepatitis B virus can be transmitted via the skin and sexual contact. Percutaneous transfer can occur when contaminated medical, dental, or other instruments are used; all pilgrims should consider getting vaccinated against hepatitis B prior to departure.


Rabies poses a danger in Saudi Arabia. Pilgrims should be educated about the risks of making contact with domestic and wild animals. They should also be advised to seek emergency medical assistance if bitten, licked, or scratched.


Influenza is transmitted through the lungs as well as through coming in contact with surfaces where coughing or sneezing has introduced the virus. It is easily transmitted in densely populated areas.

Do you need Covid vaccinations to go to Saudia Arabia?

On April 9, 2022, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah mandated that in order to perform Hajj, pilgrims must present proof of:

– COVID-19 vaccination approved by the Saudi Ministry of Health.
– A negative COVID-19 PCR test result taken within 72 hours of departure for Saudi Arabia.

Residents and visitors must complete a Registration Immunisation Form on the Muqeem Portal before travelling.

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This blog post was written on behalf of C & H Barton Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.